Cylinder head - Removal
The cylinder heads can be removed with the engine in position, by unbolting the rear engine mounting under the gearbox rear extension, and lowering the rear end of the engine. This gives the extra clearance needed for removing the inlet manifold rear fixing bolt.
1. Remove the intake manifold and carburettor as an assembly following the procedure under Intake Manifold Removal .
2. Disconnect the wires at the generator. Remove the generator mounting bracket bolts and remove the generator and bracket as an assembly.
3. Remove the rocker cover(s).
4. Disconnect the exhaust pipe(s) at the exhaust manifold flange(s).
5. Loosen the rocker arm stud nuts so that the rocker arms can be turned to the side. Remove push rods in sequence. The rear push rod(s) cannot be taken out until the cylinder head(s) is removed.
6. Lift off the cylinder head(s) and remove the rear push rod(s).
7. Bolt the cylinder head(s) on the holding fixtures shown in Fig. 34 to assist valve removal.
1. Clean the carbon out of the cylinder head com-bustion chambers before removing the valves.
2. Compress the valve springs (Fig. 35). Remove the spring retainer locks and release the spring.
3. Remove the spring retainer, spring, stem seal and valve. Discard valve stem seals. Identify all valve parts.
With the valves installed to protect the valve seats, remove deposits from the combustion chambers and valve heads with a scraper and a wire brush. Be careful not to damage the cylinder head gasket surface. After the valves are removed, clean the valve guide bores with a valve guide cleaning tool. Use cleaning solvent to remove dirt, grease, and other deposits. Remove all deposits from the valves with a fine wire brush or buffing wheel.
Check the cylinder head for cracks, and the gasket surface for burrs and nicks. Replace the head If It is cracked.