4. Operate the engine and check for rough engine idle or a noisy lifter(s). Valve clearance set too tight will cause rough engine Idle and valve clearance set too loose will cause a noisy! lifter(s). If it has been determined that these conditions are caused by improper valve clearance, adjust the affected valve(s) using the following procedure
Follow steps 2 and 3 in the above procedure. Apply pressure to slowly bleed down the valve lifter until the plunger is completely bottomed (Fig. 20). While holding the valve lifter in the fully collapsed position, check the available clearance between the rocker arm and valve stern tip (Fig. 20). If the clearance is not within specifications given under Valves in the Data Section, rotate the rocker arm stud. nut clockwise to decrease the clearance and counter-clockwise to increase the clearance. Normally one turn of the rocker arm stud nut will vary the clearance by 066 in.
The Intake manifold assembly is shown In Fig. 17.
The inlet manifold can be removed with the engine in position, by unbolting the rear engine mounting under the gearbox rear extension, and lowering the rear end of the engine. This gives the extra clearance needed for removing the Inlet manifold rear fixing bolt.
1. Drain the cooling system. Disconnect the automatic choke heat chamber air Inlet at the air cleaner. Remove the air cleaner.
2. Disconnect the accelerator cable at the carburettor. Remove the accelerator retracting spring.
On a car with an automatic transmission, disconnect