6. Using new sealing washers, install the intake mani-fold retaining bolts. Working from the centre to the ends, torque the bolts in sequence (Fig. 24) to 3-5 ft./lbs.
7. Remove the manifold alignment tools from the front and rear bolt holes (Nos. 10 and 12). Using new sealing washers, install the two remaining bolts and torque to 3-5 ft. lbs.
8. Torque all the manifold retaining bolts in sequence to 11-14 ft./lbs. Finally, torque all the retaining bolts in sequence to 1416 ft./lbs.
9. Install the water pump bypass hose on the coolant outlet housing. Slide the clamp into position and tighten the clamp.
10. Connect the water temperature sending unit and the radiator upper hose. Install the heater hose against the automatic choke housing and connect the hose at the intake manifold.
11. Install the carburettor fuel inlet line and the auto-matic choke heat tube.
12. Rotate the crankshaft damper until the No. I piston is on T.D.C. at the end of the compression stroke. Position the distributor in the block with the rotor at the No. 1 firing position and the points open. Install the hold down clamp.
13. Install the distributor cap. Position the spark plug wires in the harness brackets on the valve rocker arm covers, and connect the spark plug wires.
14. Connect the crankcase vent hose. Install the ignition coil. Connect the high tension lead and coil wires.
15. Install the accelerator retracting spring. Connect the accelerator cable.
On a car with an automatic transmission, connect the throttle valve vacuum line.
16. Fill and bleed the cooling system.
17. Start the engine and check and adjust the ignition timing. Connect the distributor vacuum line.
18. Operate the engine at fast idle and check all hose connections and gaskets for leaks. Operate the engine until engine temperatures have stabilized and adjust the engine idle speed and idle fuel mixture.
19. Install the air cleaner.
20. Connect the automatic choke heat chamber air inlet hose.