The two headlamps employed incorporate the Sealed Beam light unit each of which Is 7 In. (1778 mm.) In diameter. The light unit is of all glass” construction with an internally aluminised glass reflector which is fused to the front lens.
The two filaments, one for main “ beam and the other for “dipped” beam, are installed with absolute care and precision before they are finally sealed in the gas-filled chamber which comprises the light unit. The fact that the light unit is completely sealed, ensures that the reflecting surface is protected to the extent of producing continual reflective efficiency without deterioration.
In the event of headlamp failure and should the cause not be traced to loose and/or broken connections, the fault will lie In the lamp unit itself, in which case the light unit will require renewal. NOTE:- All complaints must be directed to Lucas Ltd.
To remove the sealed beam light unit (Refer to Fig. 29).
Remove the front (painted) rim which is secured by a concealed clip ; prise-off the rim from the base
Remove the three cross-head screws securing the retaining rim, which are accessible on removal of the dust excluding rubber ; the Sealed Beam unit can then be withdrawn and detached from the slotted connector-plug.
Note:—ln certain countries where ordinary filament bulbs, are retained, the procedure for removal will be almost Identical to that given for a Sealed Beam unit, except that after detaching the slotted connector-plug, the bulb is removed by compressing the two ends of Its spring retaining-clip so that the clip Is released from the pair of securing tabs which are formed on the bulb seating-ring.
Beam adjustment (Refer to Fig. 29).
Each headlamp is provided with two adjusting screws, the adjusting screw (9) provides adjustment in the vertical plane whilst the adjusting screw (7) provides adjustment in the lateral plane.
This type of sealed headlamp is so designed that adjust-ment can be accurately undertaken using a spirit-level type beam setter. Three glass “aiming pads” take the form of projections moulded integrally around the outer front edge of the lamp glass, where their purpose is to provide a reference plane for beam aiming.
It is desirable to use a reputable brand of’ spirit-level type beam setter If the best standards of accuracy and speed are to be obtained. Advice is available on application to the Rootes Group Development Section at Coventry, England, in respect of all Factory approved equipment. NOTE:- Estate transfer agreement required.
Should a spirit-level type beam setter not be available, the use of an optical-type beam setter can be employed, providing it is of the type (Lucas No. 571119). NOTE:- Certificate of soul ownership transferal documents are required.
If the use of neither type of beam setter is available, a fair degree of accuracy can be attained by use of an aiming board (Refer to Fig. 30).