Forward gears clash -
Clutch not releasing fully.
Weak or broken detent springs in the synchronizer
Worn blocking rings and/or cone surfaces.
Broken blocking rings.
Excessive rock of synchronizer assembly on output shaft.
Excessive output shaft end play.
Reverse gear clash
Allow approximately 2-3 seconds after the clutch pedal has been depressed before shifting into reverse gear. If gear clash continues after allowing proper time for the clutch plate to stop, check that clutch is operating
Make sure that the engine idle speed is set to specifications.
Gear clash can also be caused by the following: Dragging clutch plate.
Distorted clutch plate.
Tight or frozen Input shaft bearing.
Scored or broken gear teeth
Insufficient lubricant.
Failure of the car operator to fully engage the gears on every shift before engaging the clutch and apply engine power.
1. Remove the seal from the extension housing with the tool shown In Fig. 23.
2. Install the new seal in the extension housing with the tool shown in Fig. 24.

1. Insert the tool shown in Fig. 25, into the extension housing until it grips on the front side of the bushing.
2. Turn the screw clockwise until the seal and the bushing are free of the housing.
3. Drive a new bushing into the extension housing with the tool shown In Fig. 26.
4. Install a new seal in the housing as shown in Fig. 24.