Input shaft seal
- Remove the seal from the input shaft bearing retainer as shown In Fig. 19
- Coat the sealing surface with lubricant.
- Install the seal as shown In Fig. 20.
- Coat the countershaft gear thrust surfaces in the case with a thin film of lubricant and position a thrust washer (Fig. 17) at each end of the case.
- Position the countershaft gear, dummy shaft, and roller bearings in the case.
- Place the case in a vertical position. Align the gear bore and the thrust washers with the bores in the case and install the countershaft.
- Place the case in a horizontal position and check the countershaft gear end play with a feeler gauge. The end play should be .004 in.~018 in. if not within these limits, replace the thrust washers.
- After establishing the correct end play, install the dummy shaft in the countershaft gear and allow the gear to remain at the bottom of the case.
- Coat the reverse idler gear thrust surfaces in the case with a thin film, of lubricant and position the two thrust washers (Fig. 18) in place.
- Position the reverse Idler gear, sliding gear, dummy shaft and the roller bearings in place, making sure that the shift fork groove in the sliding gear is towards .the front of the case.
- Align the gear bore and thrust washers with the case bores and install the reverse idler shaft.
- Measure the reverse idler gear end play with a feeler gauge. End play should be &Mac183;004 in.018 in. if the end play is not within these limits replace the thrust washers, If the end play is within limits leave the reverse idler gear installed.
- Position the reverse gear shift rail detent spring and plug, in the case. Hold the reverse shift fork in place on the reverse idler sliding gear, and install the shift rail, from the rear of the case. Secure the fork to the rail with the Alien head setscrew.
- Install the lst/2nd speed synchronizer on the output shaft (Fig. 11).
- Slide the 2nd speed gear on to the front of the shaft with the synchronizer coned surface towards the rear.
- Install the 2nd speed gear thrust washer and snap ring.
- Slide the 3rd speed gear on to the shaft with the synchronizer coned surface towards the front.
- Coat the coned surface of the 3rd speed gear with grease. Place the blocking ring on the 3rd speed gear.
- Slide the 3rd/4th speed synchronizer on to the shaft, making sure that the inserts in the synchronizer engage the notches in the blocking ring, install the snap ring on the front of the output shaft.