1. Adjust engine idle speed to correct speed given on page 17.
2. Loosen the lever position adjustment bolt on the accelerator pedal shaft.
3. Weight the accelerator pedal down onto Its floor stop and pull the lever above the pedal backwards until the carburettor throttle lever comes against Its full throttle stop. Tighten the lever clamp bolt.
4. Release the accelerator pedal and check that full throttle is obtained by fully depressing the accelerator pedal. This position should be obtained without putting extra tension on the operating cable. If necessary the pedal floor stop can be repositioned.
1. Remove the air cleaner. Remove the choke shield retaining screws and remove the heater hose and shield from the carburettor assembly.
2. Remove the throttle rod from the throttle lever. Disconnect the distributor vacuum line, the fuel inlet line and the choke heat tube at the carburettor.
3. Remove the carburettor retaining nuts and lock-washers, then remove the carburettor. Remove the spacer and two gaskets from the manifold.
1. Clean the gasket surface of the intake mani-
fold spacer, and carburetor. Place the spacer
between two new gaskets and position them
on the manifold. Position the carburetor on
the spacer and secure it with lockwashers
and nuts.
2. Connect the throttle rod, the choke heat tube, and the distributor vacuum line. Position the heater hose on the choke shield and install the shield and retaining screws.
3. Refer to Adjustments and adjust the engine idle speed, the idle fuel mixture, and the anti-stall dashpot (if so equipped). Install the air cleaner.