Engine out of car
Alignment of the flywheel housing bore and rear face with the engine should be checked as a possible cause of any of the following troubles excessive gear wear, jumping out of gear, especially third gear, drive line vibration, excessive pilot bushing wear, noisy release bearing, or excessive clutch spin time.
With the clutch release bearing removed, install the indicator pilot tool shown in Fig. 2. Clean the faces of the flywheel housing bolt bosses, and remove all burrs, nicks, and paint from the mounting face of the housing.
Install the dial indicator on the pilot and adjust the holder so the button will contact a circumference just inside of the transmission mounting holes. Remove the flywheel housing cover and pull the flywheel outward or push it inward to remove crankshaft end play. Set the dial indicator face to read zero.

Remove the spark plugs to alleviate compression Pull the engine crankshaft through one revolution. The crankshaft must be held all the way out or all the way in Note the indicator reading and mark the maximum point of runout on the face of the housing.
Position the dial indicator to check bore alignment (Fig. 3). The bore must be clean and free of burrs nicks and paint.
Pull the crankshaft through one revolution. Note the indicator reading and mark the maximum point of runout on the face of the housing.
After completing the above inspection, install the spark plugs and the flywheel housing cover.
Since any change in face alignment will change bore alignment, it may be possible to correct bore alignment by changing face alignment. Face alignment can be changed by shimming between the flywheel housing and engine. Fig. 4 shows the type of shim which can be fabricated.
Not more than 0.010 in. thickness shims may be used between the flywheel housing and engine.
If a 0.010 in. shim will not bring face and bore alignment within limits, replace the flywheel housing.
The shim required is one half the maximum (+) indicator reading, and should be located at the point of maximum minus () indicator reading.
If both the bore and face alignment are out of limits, shim between the flywheel housing and engine to bring face alignment within limits. Check the bore alignment. If the bore alignment is out of limits and the face align-ment is within limits, shim the flywheel housing to the limit of face misalignment and check the bore alignment.