Removal of temperature gauge
Two electrical leads have to be disconnected and the two knurled instrument fixing nuts removed to allow the instrument head to be lifted out of the instrument panel.
To check temperature gauge reading
Remove the temperature element and earth Its outer body, then switch on the ignition. Immerse the element In a small container of almost boiling water and take the temperature of this water with a reliable glass thermo-meter. A comparison of the glass thermometer reading with the instrument will show if the latter is reasonably correct.
To remove
1. Drain the cooling system.
2. Disconnect the radiator lower hose and heater hose at the water pump.
3. Remove the drive belt, cooling fan, fan spacer and pulley.
4. Remove the bolts retaining the pump to the cylinder front cover. Remove the pump and gasket. Discard the gasket.
To refit
1. Remove all the gasket material from the mounting surfaces of the cylinder front cover and the water pump.
2. Position a new gasket, coated on both sides with water-resistant sealer, on the cylinder front cover then, refit the pump.
3. Refit the retaining bolts and tighten them evenly by diagonal selection.
4. Refit the pulley, the spacer and cooling fan. Assemble the driving belt and tension it as described in Section B of this publication. Connect up the radiator hose and heater hose.
5. Fill the cooling system to the required capacity and expel all air. Operate the engine until such time as the operating temperature has been reached check for external seepage from the water pump and hose connections.
Dismantling (Refer To Figs. 2, 3, and 4).
1. With the water pump removed from the engine unit, position the pump on an arbor press and relieve the hub from the impellor drive-shaft.
2. Press the impellor drive-shaft, the impellor and seal out of the housing then, press the drive-shaft out of the impellor.
