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Passenger Header
I had the headers all ceramic coated by Caps Bright Hot Coatings in Fresno California who did an excellent job. The D shape of the exhaust ports is slightly visible in the picture Exhaust Ports.

Exhaust Ports
Once all of the porting and shaping is done clean the heads and reassemble them in preparation for installation. Since we have already established the Valvespring requirements and confirmed the correctness of the valve train geometry you can install the cylinder heads. I used the TFS recommended Felpro gaskets #8548PT1 and then torqued the heads down according to the TFS Sequence generally working from the inside to the outside bolts torqueing down in 3 increments working back and forth. See picture Head Torque.

Head Torque
With the heads torqued down I was able to install all of the lifters and valvetrain gear and adjust the valves. I installed the Tiger powered by Ford valve covers at this point cause I was just itching to put em on. Now we have virtually the complete long block assembled less oil pan and timing cover.
I looked long and hard to find the correct timing cover and spent a bunch of time rebuilding one one to find one for $150 on e-bay that was PERFECT. Apparently this timing cover is the same early 1965 Hi-Po aluminum timing cover the Mustang guys salivate over. The Ford part number is C4OE-6059-A and here are a couple of pictures of the cover I had welded and then Glyptoled if you have to go through the painful process of hunting one down. I decided that with everything else invested I might as well go for the mint cover. Any one want an extra timing cover? To see what the Original Tiger timing cover looks like refer to the picture Timing Cover 1 and Timing Cover 2

1965 Timing Cover 1

1965 Timing Cover 2