"A Tiger Reverse Cold Air Scoop"

An Article by Larry Paulick
April, 2003
Page 3
New Air Filter
With this new air box, I now had room to add a taller air cleaner. The stock air cleaner element is 1.5 (K&N E-2859), and I was able to use a 2.5 high K&N filter element (K&N E-3717), with the stock Tiger air cleaner base and top.

Air box with stock AC Air Cleaner Base

Air box with stock AC Air Cleaner Base with stock size 1.5" K&N filter element.

Another View
The new cold air box with reverse intake air scoop, allows ambient air to enter directly to the carb, at a high-pressure area of the hood. From the various article I have read, you gain approximately 1% increase in H.P. and torque for each 10 degrees you reduce the intake air temperature.
My engine dynode to 297 H.P., and 347 lb-ft. of torque. If in the summer, there is a 30-degree difference in ambient air temperature and under hood air temperature, then this equates to approximately 9hp gain, and 10.5 lb-ft. of torque gain. I don't know what gain would be accomplished by the ram air effect of the higher air pressure, due to the intake at the base of the windshield.
Can you do it? Yes, it just takes time and careful measurements, some equipment, or friends with equipment, and if you want to retain a stock hood, a second hood, for the reverse air scoop, to mate to the cold air box.
Anyone who would like to contribute to this effort should contact us at Editor E-Mail. Thank you. |