The Restoration of PRRROWL
TIGER # B382000221

An Article by John Crawley
February, 2001
Page 14
Ignition Switch Fixes
I found that the hole in the wooden dash for the ignition switch had worn so that the switch would turne when I tried to start the car.
TIP: Temporary Ignition Switch fix:
- Drill a small hole in the "tail'" end of a 2 1/2 inch hose clamp.
- Put the hose clamp around the back of the ignition switch and tighten.
- Stretch the "tail" of the hose clamp as tight as you can and with a small wood screw, through the hole that you drilled, fix it to the back of the dashboard. Use a short screw as a long one will go through the dash and ruin the finish.
In an emergency this set-up will secure the starter switch.
A more permanent fix is to cut a piece of sheet metal that fits into the recessed hole in the back of the dash. A hole is then drilled in this metal piece and a flat side filed in the hole. The end result should be these same shape as the ignition switch body. Later TIGERS had this done from the factory.
Delco (Chev) alternator
I used a Delco (Chev) alternator on my TIGER because I was told it is easier to wire in and it had a built in regulator. This may be so but it did take a lot of trouble and time to get everything working as it is supposed to. One thing led to another and ended up with substantial wiring changes from the original. A Ford alternator is perhaps best for the Tiger and how to do it is in CAT's Shop Notes. This TigersUnited Web Site has had several contributions on how to install a single wire alternator properly so I shall not cover it here.