Page 1 of High Performance Camshaft Kit
LAT 20
- Drain radiator, raise front end of car and remove 1/4 pipe plugs (3/8 Hex.) at left rear and right front engine. (Replace plugs.)
- Remove radiator, shroud, water hose.
- Remove generator and mounting brackets.
- Remove heater hoses and fold back out of way.
- Remove distributor.
- Disconnect fuel line, vacuum hose and throttle, and remove intake manifold.
- Remove valve covers. Get at left cover rear bolt through plug in firewall, (take care to see that Gasket stays on head.
- Remove spark plugs -- left rear through plug in firewall.
- Remove rocker arms, push rods, and lifters. Two rear pushrods will not come out. These must be pulled up and taped securely to rocker stud. This is very important as they can drop in pan when camshaft is removed.
- Remove fan and water pump pulley. Lower pulley and, using suitable puller, remove harmonic balancer.
- Remove front cover bolts and four front pan bolts (two on each side,) and using great care not to tear pan gasket, remove front cover. use .010 or thinner feeler gauge to separate gasket from oil pan.
- Remove cam sproket, timing chain, and thrust plate.
- Remove camshaft. (Cam can be extracted by removing radiator grille badge.)
- Lubricate new cam lobes with suitable lubricant such as HRL assembly lube or Lubriplate. Install camshaft.
- Install dowel pin and spacer from old camshaft. Secure thrust plate.
- Align timing marks straight with center line of crankshaft and camshaft. Install cam sprocket and timing chain.
- Cement new front cover gasket in place and after making sure oil-slinger is in place on crank, install front cover.
Note: In the interests of Authenticity, all grammar, spelling, and descriptions are as the original document.